Construction Inspection

Being A RE/MAX franchise is not all about dressing up for catered open houses, fancy all-inclusive conventions in the most beautiful parts of the globe or closing multi-million dollar deals in air-conditioned offices. Sometimes we need to grab a cold drink and head out into the tropical heat and humidity to conduct an informal construction inspection high up in the mountains overlooking the South Pacific coast. The Construction inspection will give us an idea of how to market the property one it is finished and ready to go on the market.

It was shaping up to me a quiet morning of work in the office when a client dropped in and invited Ben and Heather to inspect two properties, under construction, located high over Tres Rios. After quickly gathering their camera gear and securing a cold drink to enjoy on the way up, we set off. Luckily the client offered to drive and her Land Cruiser, with space, comfort, and power was the perfect vehicle for the trek.
The gravel road snaked her way through the hills, climbing slowly and then steeply – several river crossing were easily negotiated by the Land Cruiser and after about 30 minutes we stopped by the first property scheduled for the construction inspection. The property was small and compact with the house extending over most of the lot. However the view was amazing, straight down a valley that terminated at the blue ocean hundreds of meters below.
Ben snapped a few photos of the ocean view then joined Heather in inspecting the construction progress, chatting with the client and the workers who were busily scampering about.

The second property was a few hills away. After a 10 minute drive, a river crossings, and climbing up and down a few steep and dusty hills we arrived on location. This was a much larger property with perhaps a dozen workers involved in all stages of work.
Ben and Heather inspected all areas of the house, chatted with the foreman and workers, looked over house plans, and took photos of the progress.
By now it was getting hot and the unrelenting sun was hanging high overhead. We made our way to the Land Cruiser, flipped the AC and headed down to the office.

The hills behind Tres Rios are an up-and-coming development area; beautiful ocean views, mountain rivers, and a lush jungle will make it a premier spot to live, retire, or visit during a holiday stay. I am sure holiday rentals will be very lucrative as well. There was considerable construction happening up and down the access roads, however many lots sat empty or were put up for sale.
The permeating nature and stunning views accompany Heather and Ben wherever they go – compare that to a dark and gloomy day in a concrete office of a non-descript cookie-cutter city! if you are ready to move here to retire, work remotely, start a business, or buy a vacation home, the easiest way for you to take the first step is an email or phone call to RE/MAX WE SELL PARADISE – or you may wish to start browsing the hot properties currently available in our area!