Preparing Your Home For a Showing

It is vital that your home is presented, to any potential buyer, in its best light – and while realistically this should not matter as much as it does, human psychology dictates its own rules. How your home appears in the eyes of potential buyers is absolutely critical to securing a sale and locking-in the best price for your property. We can go as far as to say it is often a make-it-or-break-it item. For a buyer who is considering two similar properties the house that was clean, bright, fresh, uncluttered, inviting, and brought back nostalgic ‘homey’ memories is the house they will settle on – nudged along by subconscious drives, emotions and forgotten memories. Preparing your home for a showing is critical to your success.

In many countries, public ‘Open Houses’ are very common – they allow groups of potential buyers to visit a property at a certain time. The house is basically ‘open’ for qualified buyers or simply anyone to walk in and have a look. In a way this is very efficient – but it also tends to attract ‘window shoppers’ and curious people who have no intention of buying a property.
In Costa Rica public Open Houses, in a way described above, are seldom used. When someone here mentions an Open House, this means the house is open to real estate agents who will list the property to seek potential buyers. It allows agents from various companies to view the property, furnishing, and grounds so that they are able to advise potential buyers. The seller’s agent is present to answer any questions and provide further information like property brochures.
The Costa Rican equivalent of a traditional Open House is a ‘House Showing’. House Showings are predominantly private with the property being visited by the potential buyer together with the seller’s agent and buyer’s agent – no one else. It is this type of a House Showing which is the focus of this article.
Many of our clients do not live in the house they are selling – they may be back in their home countries or only live in to Costa Rica part time, for a few months a year. It can be tempting to rent out the house to local families, expats or vacationers. It is especially tempting because, in our area, renters are plentiful and the monthly rates very attractive (for the landlords, at least).
But this can create problems – as renters need to agree to proposed house showing times and they may not always keep the house in the most ordered and ‘showroom’ condition. The presence of renters on the property during a showing can also be problematic. In majority of cases the renters are respectful, clean and accommodating – but we have also seen situations where renters are difficult and present a very messy property. Sometimes renters can make it hard to schedule a showings and if a serious buyer finds a suitable deal in the meantime, this can mean many missed opportunities.
So the decision rests with the homeowner who should take the above into consideration, along with their own unique preferences and financial situation.
The points presented below are an overview – we won’t get into the nitty and gritty or create checklists here, but rather provide a high-level look at all areas of importance.
- Clean and Scrub – everything! Walls, floors, tiles, windows, tables, furniture, fixtures, appliances, outdoor furniture…leave no stone unturned here. Remember all the cracks, crevices, and dark corners. Attend to all the handles, levers, and knobs.
- Tidy up. Remove clutter and unnecessary items. The kitchen counter should have minimal items present – things like the toaster or kettle can be placed in the cupboards. Remove the paper towels and salt and pepper shakers, hide the dishwashing liquid and scrubber. In the living room, clear items from the coffee table. Any extra furniture should be out of sight. In the bathroom – same idea – your toothbrush, floss, deodorant should be GONE. Organize all storage areas so they look neat and tidy. The home should not be sterile but err on the side of minimal clutter and minimal unnecessary items. A vase of flowers on the coffee table or a bowl of fresh fruit on the kitchen counter may be a nice touch – you get the idea.
- Add accents. This may go counter to the previous post about getting rid of clutter, but there is a difference. Strategically placing items like pillows, vases with fresh flowers, bowls of fresh fruit, candles, nice books, etc. around the house will add to the ‘homey’ vibe and make the potential buyers feel much more comfortable.
- Max and Luna need to go for a hike! Pets should be moved out of the house, and all evidence of pets should be removed as well – see the point above around clutter. Toys, food dishes, pet beds, litter trays and other items should be temporarily put away.
- Move your cars and other vehicles. This will ensure your parking area appears as big as possible, it will clear unnecessary clutter, and it will allow the potential buyer to envision their own vehicle in the space. This also creates easier access to the property as there could be several visitors – the potential buyer(s), their agent, and your agent may all attend the viewing and need a parking space.
- Light and temperature matter! If the house has AC, ensure it is on so a nice, cooler atmosphere is created inside the house (as we all know, no matter the day or time we can be sure it will be a very warm and humid day in Costa Ballena). Turn on all the lights, open all curtains and blinds, brush the leaves off the skylight so that the house appears at its brightest and most inviting. Any dark areas can be brightened with additional fixtures or more powerful bulbs.
- Tidy up the grounds. The exterior presentation is just as important as the interior one – and it creates the vital FIRST IMPRESSION. Cut the grass, trim the hedges, remove fallen debris (branches, fruit & coconuts), power-wash areas of the grounds (the driveway, parking area & walkway), and put away all items that may clutter the exterior (rakes, lawn mowers, drying racks, construction material, bags of soil or fertilizer, toys, etc.).
- Outside living areas need the same attention. The patio should be swept and clean, the outdoor areas should be decluttered, and outdoor furniture should be organized. Treat the outdoor living, cooking and dining areas with the same degree of importance as corresponding areas inside the house. Pay attention to grills and BBQs, tables & chairs, lounges, and other items ensuring they are clean and polished.
- Spray for pests. We live in the tropics and critters are a part of our life here. And we all occasionally take measures to control ants, termites, geckos, and many other little nuisances. It is best that a fresh application of pest control is made shortly before the house is listed for sale – a row of ants in the kitchen or a roach running through the room can really sour a showing!
- Don’t forget the ancillary structures. Swimming pools, Jacuzzis, gazebos, cabins & guest homes, sheds, garages, and other structures should get the same loving treatment as your house. Keep the pool in top shape, organize the storage shed, unclutter the garage, sweep the gazebo.
- Perform minor repairs before the 1st showing. Leaks, creaks, cracked windows, torn screens, stained furniture, and other small maintenance items should be addresses. While they may be a non-issue for yourself, they will create a very diminished image of your home in the eyes of the buyer.
- Secure you valuables. Just in case place your valuables like cash, jewelry, expensive watches & electronics, top shelf whiskey, in a safe or secure storage.

To finely tune the presentation of your home, aim to engage the potential buyers’ senses – all five of them. This will allow the buyer to ‘feel’ the home and goes a long way in helping them to imagine that the house is already theirs & they are fully engrossed in the experience of their new home.
SOUND – Some local homes are blessed with the sounds of a nearby river, creek, waterfall, crashing ocean waves or a jungle wildlife chorus – in this case, do nothing as you are at the pinnacle of perfection! Otherwise, soft music or natural sounds can be played, quietly, through the house speakers. This is especially important if the home is near a well-travelled road such as the Costanera or an area that can experience various sounds of modern civilization. The music should be a generic relaxing ambient beat or a natural track such as sounds of forest birds. Keep the volume low to allow for easy conversation.
SMELL – Fragrant flowers, air fresheners, scented candles, the smell of ripe lemons or mangos emanating from a fresh fruit basket – there are many options here! Homeowners may go as far as baking (or reheating) cookies or bread for that nostalgic homey atmosphere. Memories associated with smell are especially powerful.
It is important to note that some people are very sensitive to smells so a light touch is needed especially when it comes to artificial methods like air fresheners or scented candles. A heavy effort may also cause the potential buyer to think that ‘something is being covered up’. The smells that have the best associations are citrus, jasmine, cinnamon and vanilla. Many people respond well to the simple smell of a ‘recently cleaned house’.
TASTE – While this is not required, refreshments may be provided – cool drinks and snacks appropriate for the time of day. Like mentioned above, freshly baked bread or cookies are an option for those with time on their hands – but a simple platter with a few items, including a selection that is vegetarian, will do the trick.
TOUCH – Ensure all the surfaces a potential buyer may touch are clean and smooth. Imagine the buyer resting his hand on the back of a chair only to feel the grit and notice a layer of dust covering their skin– not good! Tables, chairs, switches, doorknobs, taps, toilet flush handles, and all other surfaces should be cleaned and polished to the max. The potential buyer may pull the oven handle to look inside, flip a light switch, close the sliding patio door, lift the lid of the washing machine…you get the idea!
SIGHT – Much of what is associated with sight was discussed in the previous section. To summarize: make sure the house, grounds and structures and clean and polished, ensure the house is bright and inviting, make sure the landscaping is sharp and organized. From the time the potential buyer drives through your gate to the time they head out, everything within sight should be attended to.

Let’s look at a few important details which we share based on our own experience:
DON’T smoke inside the house. Also, don’t leave any ashtrays within sight.
DON’T hang around the house during the showing – it is best if the seller is not present so that the buyer may inspect the property and make enquiries without any reservation. Go to a café, restaurant, or the beach during the scheduled showing time.
DO close all toilet lids in the house.
DO ensure all toilet paper rolls are new and full.
DO flip on all the lights in the house and set the AC to a comfortable temperature.
DO ensure all waste bins are empty and lined with fresh trash bags.
DO ask your renters, if present, to leave the house during the showing period if possible.
DO provide your real estate agent with the keys and, if applicable, valid and current property entry codes. This is especially important if your home is in a gated community – in that case also ensure the management and security are aware of visitors. We speak from experience as being denied access to homes or gated communities due to expired codes has happened more times that necessary!
DO sweep any outdoor paths and steps including those that lead into natural areas like jungles, streams and swim-holes. Don’t ask us why but this makes a huge difference!

RE/MAX WE SELL PARADISE has been serving clients for over 13 years – our extensive knowledge and experience, together with a diverse staff and all the benefits of a global corporation, make us a trusted partner for all of your real estate related needs.