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Glass Frogs of Costa Rica

Glass Frogs of Costa Rica


Costa Rica is among the most biodiverse places on the planet. The country’s animal life is exotic, tropical, brilliant, unique and captivating. This fame covers the local Poison Dart Frogs – but often overlooks the equally captivating Glass Frogs. With their translucent or even transparent skin (hence the name) and striking coloring, these arboreal amphibians have finally made it to the pages of our blog.

Glass Frogs are often called 'Tree Frogs' - owing to their preferred habitat. While not as colorful as most species of the Poison Dart Frogs, they are striking and unique in their own ways. c/o Jean Paul Montanaro, Pexels.
Glass Frogs are often called ‘Tree Frogs’ – owing to their preferred habitat. While not as colorful as most species of the Poison Dart Frogs, they are striking and unique in their own ways. c/o Jean Paul Montanaro, Pexels.
The Granual Glass Frog specie is found in the forests of Costa Rica. c/o Charlie Jackson, wikicommons.
The Granular Glass Frog specie is found in the forests of Costa Rica. While they may appear large in photos, Glass Frogs are very small, often the size of a finger nail. c/o Charlie Jackson, wikicommons.


Most Glass Frog species are lime green in color and wear sections of a translucent or even transparent skin – you can see right inside their bodies. Organs like the beating heart, liver, kidneys, intestines and blood vessels become visible – and we may have a faint idea of WHY nature, evolution and natural selection has decided that transparent skin is an advantage.

Some Glass Frogs are fully transparent, revealing a clear view of their internal organs. c/o Geoff Gallice, wikicommons.
Some Glass Frogs are fully transparent, revealing a clear view of their internal organs. c/o Geoff Gallice, wikicommons.


Nature does not act without reason. Every trait – whether physical or behavioral – exists to aid the reproduction and survival of the specie. NOTHING in nature is an accident. So as it goes, there must be a very good reason for the Glass Frogs’ partial translucency & transparency, that much we knew. But for the longest time, we couldn’t quite figure it out – the obvious answer was ‘camouflage’ but under differing lighting conditions it seemed that the attributes were not that effective as regular camouflage successfully employed by many other frog and animal species.

The limish-green coloring and transparent translucent skin, together with the limbs and fingers that seem to fade into the background, all conspire to create formidable camouflage. c/o Mauricio Rivera Correa, wikicommons.
The limish-green coloring and transparent translucent skin, together with the limbs and fingers that seem to fade into the background, all conspire to create formidable camouflage. c/o Mauricio Rivera Correa, wikicommons.

We also knew that other than general translucency, the frogs also had more or less opaque backs and usually very translucent legs and fingers – and therein lay the key. The opaque backs, more translucent bodies and nearly transparent legs & fingers create a sort of gradient which makes the edges of the frog blurry & less defined, and therefore masks the frogs’ true shapes. Add to that the lime green coloring, which blends with leaves and plants, and you’ve got a much more effective camouflage system.

The frogs' camouflage is multi-faceted. When they sit on a leaf, with their legs wrapped around their bodies, the frogs' shape becomes a bit fuzzy and undefined. Together with their green coloring, this camouflage system helps the frogs blend into the background. c/o Estaban Alzate, wikicommons.
The frogs’ camouflage is multi-faceted. When they sit on a leaf, with their legs wrapped around their bodies, the frogs’ shape becomes a bit fuzzy and undefined. Together with their green coloring, this camouflage system helps the frogs blend into the background. c/o Estaban Alzate / Pstevendactylus, wikicommons.

This weird camouflage phenomenon, in which the frog’s edges are softened to match the relative brightness of its surroundings, is referred to as edge diffusion. And if that was not enough – when resting or threatened, Glass frogs have a fascinating ability to conceal their red blood cells which enhances their transparency. Their livers are coated with a reflective guanine crystals, which helps scatter light and obscure the red color of their blood cells. By directing most of their red blood cells to the liver, the Glass Frogs reduce the amount of visible pigmentation in their bodies, making them appear even more transparent.


14 species of Glass Frogs call Costa Rica home – and more are being discovered, so the true number is very likely much higher. Here we present a few of the best-researched and known examples:

BARE-HEARTED GLASS FROG or KERMIT FROG – Found in central and south-eastern Costa Rica, these frogs have the most transparent bellies of all Glass Frog species. This specie has only been discovered, in 2015, in the Talamanca Mountains of Costa Rica – and it got world-famous attention due to its resemblance to Kermit the Frog.

A Bare-Hearted Glass Frog. c/o Brian Gratwicke, wikicommons.
A Bare-Hearted Glass Frog. c/o Brian Gratwicke, wikicommons.

STARRETT’S GLASS FROG – Found in humid mountain forests around Costa Rica, especially around the central spine. It is threatened by habitat loss in its range area

Starrett's Glass Frog. c/o Brian Gratwicke, wikicommons.
Starrett’s Glass Frog. c/o Brian Gratwicke, wikicommons.

YELLOW-FLECKED GLASS FROG – Found in Costa Rica at elevations up to 1,500 meters. This hardy Glass Frog can survive along streams in altered habitats such as pastures, orchards, and even towns and cities.

Yellow-Flecked Glass Frogs. c/o Brian Gratwicke, wikicommons.
Yellow-Flecked Glass Frogs. c/o Brian Gratwicke, wikicommons.

SAN JOSE COCHRAN FROG – This Glass Frog can handle altitudes up to 2,000 meters. Unfortunately, it has not been seen in Costa Rica since 1986 – an we don’t know why, despite numerous survey efforts to locate the species.

The frogs' camouflage is multi-faceted. Wgen they sit on a leaf, with their legs wrapped around their bodies, the frogs' shape becomes a bit fuzzy and undefined. Together with their green coloring, this camouflage system helps the frogs blend into the background. c/o Brian Gratwicke, wikicommons.

FLEISCHMANN’S GLASS FROG – The most populous and common of Costa Rica’s Glass Frogs, this specie lives in low and mid-altitude wet forests.

Fleischmann's Glass Frog. c/o wikicommons.
Fleischmann’s Glass Frog. c/o wikicommons.

EMERALD GLASS FROG – These frogs prefer to live amongst mature old growth forests. While not under threat as a specie, the Costa Rican Monteverde population has recently collapsed – however the frog remains common in other areas of Costa Rica.

An Emerald Glass Frog. c/o Brian Gratwicke, wikicommons.
An Emerald Glass Frog. c/o Brian Gratwicke, wikicommons.

SURETKA GLASS FROG / STRIPED BACK GLASS FROG – Preferring lowland forests up to 600 meters in elevation, these frogs are not deterred by degraded habitats. The frog is named after the Suretka locality in Talamanca, Costa Rica, where can be found.

Suretka Glass Frog. c/o Lucas Vogel, wikicommons.
Suretka Glass Frog. c/o Lucas Vogel, wikicommons.

LIMON GIANT GLASS FROG – Named after a part of its range – Limón, Costa Rica – this frog is also known as Holly’s Glass Frog and Ghost Glass Frog.

Limon Giant Glass Frog. c/o Sachatamia Ilex, wikicommons.
Limon Giant Glass Frog. c/o Sachatamia Ilex, wikicommons.

GRANULAR GLASS FROG – Their grainy skin, which can range through several colors, helps the frogs increase the potency of their camouflage.

Granular Glass Frog. c/o Hugo Brightling, unsplash
Granular Glass Frog. c/o Hugo Brightling, unsplash

POWDERED GLASS FROG – Rather rare in Costa Rica, these frogs prefer low forests, sometimes no higher than 300-900 meters, depending on the population. They can survive in disturbed habitats.

Powdered Glass Frog. c/o Rhododendrites, wikicommons.
Powdered Glass Frog. c/o Rhododendrites, wikicommons.


Glass Frogs are very small, rarely exceeding 1 inch (2.5cm) in length. So small, in fact, that they are know to have died from raindrop impacts! They are found in Central and South America, preferring to live around streams and rivers of lowland and mountain rainforests – however some species have become comfortable with life in disturbed habitats such as pastures, parks, and even towns and cities – as long as portions of habitat are available. They are active at night and the best way of knowing whether Glass Frogs live in your backyard is to listed for their nightly calls.

You never know how many pair of eyes are watching you from the treetops above! c/o Santiago Ron, wikicommons.
You never know how many pair of eyes are watching you from the treetops above! c/o Santiago Ron, wikicommons.

Glass Frogs are arboreal, meaning many species spend most of their lives in the trees. They prefer the safety of the jungle canopy as there are many more predators on the surface as opposed to the heights of jungle trees. However they make their way to the ground during mating season – the males venture to the forest floor to find mates, and the females attach eggs to the underside of a leaf that is hanging over the stream. The males of most species guard the eggs until they hatch while the females have been known to brood the eggs shortly after laying them. When the tadpoles hatch, they fall into the waters below – and this is where the parental care ends. The tadpoles are strong, with a powerful tail and low fins – this is an adaptation for fast flowing mountain streams.

A Suretka Glass Frog guarding its eggs, which are atatched to the underside of a stream-side leaf. c/o Josue Alberto Vargas Montoya, wikicommons.
A Suretka Glass Frog guarding its eggs, which are attached to the underside of a stream-side leaf. c/o Josue Alberto Vargas Montoya, wikicommons.

Glass Frogs are carnivorous, making a meal of crickets, moths, flies, spiders, and even other smaller frogs. They themselves fall prey to fish, birds, snakes, lizards, bigger frogs, and predatory insects like spiders. Their eggs are vulnerable to many predators including certain species of flies which infest the eggs with predatory maggots. However the eggs are still much safer stuck to the underside of a leaf as opposed to being laid in the water where fish, shrimp, insects, even snakes, birds and various mammals  could have a proper feast.

A bare-hearted Glass Frog guarding a clutch of eggs. c/o Brian Gratwicke, wikicommons.
A Bare-Hearted Glass Frog guarding a clutch of eggs. c/o Brian Gratwicke, wikicommons.

Glass frogs produce high-pitched calls that are often described as chirping or whistling. These sounds are typically used by males to attract females during mating season, but many species vocalize year-round. Their calls can vary depending on the species but they are generally soft and melodic, blending well with the ambient sounds of their rainforest habitats.


Four of the five major threats threats to the little Glass Frogs are caused by humans: deforestation, invasive species, pollution, and illegal pet trade. Because frogs breathe through their skin, they are super sensitive to both air and water pollution. These many threats have led to a decline in the population of this species – but there is another culprit – an illness called Chytridiomycosis, caused by a fungal infection. While a natural pathogen, human activity does contribute to its spread around the world.

A Powdered Glass Frog in an aquarium environment. The transparent belly is on full display. While illegal pet trade is a major threat, many pets are bread in captivity and aid in the conservation process. c/o Fungus Guy, wikicommons.
A Powdered Glass Frog in an aquarium environment. The transparent belly is on full display. While illegal pet trade is a major threat, many pets are bread in captivity and aid in the conservation process. c/o Fungus Guy, wikicommons.


Chytridiomycosis has been tied to the sharp decline or even extinction of frog species around the world. The fungal pathogen responsible can lead to isolated deaths in certain populations while completely wiping out others. Unfortunately, no effective methods have been developed to manage the disease in the wild.

While some strategies for combating the fungus exist, none have proven viable on a large scale. This disease is considered a major factor in the global amphibian population decline, impacting roughly 30% of species worldwide. Findings highlight international pet frog trade as a pathway for the fungus to invade native ecosystems.

c/o Jean Paul Montanaro, wikicommons.
c/o Jean Paul Montanaro, wikicommons.


Glass Frogs are very small and can be hard to find and study – because of this, there are many sizeable gaps in our understanding of many species. Many Glass Frog species live in remote, dense rainforests, making them challenging to observe. Their exact population sizes, behaviors in the wild, and even some of their ecological roles remain elusive. Continually, new species of glass frogs continue to be discovered.

So keep a keen eye – if you know that Glass Frogs are around because others have seen them or you have heard them chirping at night, why not set off on a frog-finding expedition? Kids would especially love finding a real-life Glass Frog, best after sunset with a flashlight in hand. But since they are so small and fragile (there are reports of them being killed by raindrops) make sure you do not handle them and enjoy them from a safe distance!

They are hard to spot, being small, green and see-thru! So finding one will be a very special occasion. c/o Brian Gratwicke, wikicommons.
They are hard to spot, being small, green and see-thru! So finding one will be a very special occasion. c/o Brian Gratwicke, wikicommons.


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Cover photo c/o Ivan Rojas, Pexels